
Showing posts from August, 2022


  HOW MANY TYPES OF TAPIOCA FLOUR ARE THERE? HOW MANY TYPES OF TAPIOCA FLOUR ARE ON THE MARKET? Tapioca flour is now used quite a lot in daily life. It is used for cooling refreshments, cooking tea, cooking… But how many types of Tapioca Flour? What kind of cassava is being sold on the market? Tapioca flour is extracted, separated and filtered from the tapioca root. Reference: What is tapioca flour? According to oriental medicine: There are two types of cassava plant: F orest cassava (wild cassava) and Ta cassava (garden-grown cassava). Today, there is also a new type of cassava seed (Chinese or Chinese tapioca). Chinese tapioca is grown for very high yield, but it does not have much flavor and nutrients. Tapioca flour is also classified according to marinated flavors such as pomelo-flavored, lotus-flavored cassava ... 1. Forest Tapioca – Forest Tapioca Flour Forest kudzu (wild cassava) belongs to the legume family – Fabaceae. Scientific name is Pueraria montana (Lour.) Merr Fore...

Vietnam Ranks Third In Cassava Exports Over The World

Vietnam Ranks Third In Cassava Exports Over The World Vietnam is the world's third largest exporter of cassava and cassava products in terms of output, after Thailand and Cambodia, and second in export turnover after Thailand. Diversifying markets, taking advantage of opportunities to enjoy tariff quotas from free trade agreements (FTAs) will be the solution to help this industry expand export markets. Export mainly to China market According to the General Department of Customs, in 2021, cassava exports will reach nearly 2.9 million tons, worth nearly $1.2 billion, up 2.4% in volume and 16.5% in value compared to 2020. Cassava and cassava products is one of the agricultural products that still maintained the growth rate in both output and export turnover in the past year. In the first months of 2022, after the decline in export turnover in January and February, the export of cassava and cassava products in March tended to increase again. According to estimates, in March 2022, the e...

What is the effect of cassava?

  What is the effect of cassava? Cassava is a vine of the legume family, grown in many places in our country for food and medicine. Most of the parts of the cassava plant are used as medicine. The effect of cassava Most of the parts of the cassava plant are used as medicine. But the best used part is the roots (or tapioca tubers) harvested in winter and spring. Tapioca tubers are dug up and cleaned of sandy soil, removed the outer shell, cut into pieces or sliced, then dried or dried, in Oriental medicine called sand root. According to Oriental medicine, cassava has a sweet taste, cool properties, has the effect of relieving heat and muscle loss, giving speeches with insight, giving birth to only thirst, and promoting yang only, often used to treat diseases such as fever due to extrasensory perception, pain. neck pain, headache, measles, high fever, thirst, diabetes, diarrhea, dysentery, high blood pressure, myocardial ischemia, nosebleeds, vomiting blood, hemorrhoids and deafness ...